For Companies

Innovation is claimed to be the engine of growth for the next three decades and therefore it is crucial to understand its determinants. Furthermore, questions arise about the impact of globalization and deregulation on the incentives to innovate. The impact of globalization comes typically with market enlargement; regulatory reform has introduced price caps, i.e., direct price pressure, and has lowered barriers to entry in different industries. What will be the impact of these developments on process and product innovation? Competitive pressure.

We help companies innovate at the speed essential to handle competitive pressure. Our range of services for companies helps accommodate R&D, product development and business expansion in a simple, secured and cost effective way. Our efforts to establish open innovation capabilities will help you access external innovation capabilities with ease.

Technology Sourcing: Get access to our ever increasing repository of life sciences technologies from across our network. We will help you with successful technology deals by facilitating deal structure, deal negotiation and regulated transfer. We help you prepare flexible royalty structure, valuation models and deals.

Innovation Outsourcing: Identify your best innovation partner through us. Pack your innovation requirements and R&D projects for a risk free implementation in an offshore location. We will put your technology development pipeline in a faster development track. Our best practices help you negotiate a deal structure with partners that best fit your internal work comforts.

C&D Collaborations:  We take up turn-key development solutions for technology development or product development. We help you split your projects for multiple partners who work simultaneously and coordinate the results for submission or clearances. Generate research data faster by accessing multiple development partners in a structured way through our Development facilitation team.

R&D Models: We help you restructure your R&D model for higher productivity. Our team will help you optimize your R&D budgets for improved innovation output. If you require relocation of your R&D outfit to a low cost location, we will plan your relocation as a turn-key process, which include space, human resources, local clearances, etc.